2015年12月23日 星期三

TranSmart Card and Human Right

TranSmart Card and Human Right

Written by Li-Chang Kuo

The invention of TranSmart Card was to deliver wisdom, spread kindness for actuating the business opportunities of trillion dollars to create many new jobs, and approaching the mission goal of Rich Taiwan; so that ‘TranSmart Card’ is a very important public goods in line with Article 15 of the Constitution said : “The Rights to Work, to Property and to Life of the people shall be guaranteed." When a person loses the right to work, the other two rights also at stake or precarious. Therefore, talking about ‘TranSmart Card’ is likely talking about the level of Human Right.

Back to the background of inventing the ‘TranSmart Card’, I must mention that Taiwan experienced the recession in the period of 1982-1985, every sectors were pondering the way of upgrading the industries. It’s very difficult to endure until receiving the orders of Consumer Electronics in 1986, NT dollar was required to appreciated rapidly by the mighty power from US$1:NT$40 to US$1:25Taiwan's national income was exploded on the surface, the manufacturing cost increased substantially, many foreign companies pulled out of Taiwan, they said: “Taiwan’s national income has exceeded US$ 3,000, there is no niche to invest here!” The most realistic consequence was left unemployed population to affect the social atmosphere; especially, the politics was uproar as President Chiang Ching-Kuo died on January 13, 1988. Under this background, ‘Way Back Into Love’ became the first priority. Consequently, I accelerated the research and development of ‘TranSmart Card’ and its transaction reading device (TRD/Toller) by means of the contactless-tech, expecting to form a new-tech trade and economic system (TES) as an instrumental solution to be a tool of salvation.
‘TES’ has two purposes: one is ‘Technologicalization of Traditional Industries’, another is ‘Intellectualization of Technological Industries’; the former can be attained through updating the existed stores or shops to the electronic-stores (eStores)—this has gained the bill of ‘E-Commerce’ at APEC 1998, the later can be through application of the ‘TranSmart Card’ as a key to open the door of entire commercial mechanism to penetrate the global markets, and to implement the mission goal of ‘Rich Taiwan’.
Recently, Taipei City Mayor Ko Wen-Je reviewed nearly a year about his administrative errors and said that “I’m harmed by a woman-- Yui Hatano!” The reason is that TaipeiEasyCard’ became ‘Yui Hatano card’-- in Taiwanese as ‘Boca’. The tide of Boca revealed the structural problems and mislead people. Actually, Yui Hatano is a dedicated porn star, she has an expertise place in the RX-rated films, those who were lack of knowledge unexpectedly put her image on the EasyCard—a common usage level. In my view, Yui Hatano is innocent in the event of Boca. In fact, Taipei EasyCard issued since 2002, it often came out the negative news, this is contrary with the original intention of inventing the ‘TranSmart Card’.

When we won the APEC Blueprint for Action on Electronic Commerce at APEC 1998, thereafter, we prepared the TranSmart Card & TRD to propose at Taipei City Hall on the 24th day of May in 1999, those officials led by the Deputy Mayor Pai Hsiu-Hsiung looked at the demo in kind curiously, they saw the Lanyu Canoe printed on the card, questioned that “How to issue this TranSmart Card?” I answered: “To assemble the existed manpower to be a group for operation, no need to add any extra-expenses…”  TranSmart Card can be used for Taipei MRT because it already completed, and then expanding to the fields of transaction and identification, the job creation will be occurred naturally.

As to the issuance that can combine with those existing post offices, gas stations and Chain Stores, the TranSmart Card can be processed by the Central Bank and deemed as ‘National Currency’ to fill the treasury and to facilitate the implementation of government affairs. The most importance is upgrading the economy of Taiwan from ‘Island-based’ to ‘Ocean-based’ in order to meet the requirement of ‘Information Society’ in the 21st century. In conclusion, ‘TranSmart Card’ is invented for securing the human rights – like job creation, not for profiting the entities of corruption.
